
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Although it has a slightly reckless budget of $100 million, 'Ford v Ferrari' surpassed all industry expectations while opening at number one at the box office. The racing film stops the bleeding for Fox (Disney), who has had a rough go of it financially in 2019.
Elsewhere, Collin and Nick make their bids for America to want a spoiler pod of 'The Good Liar' because it is THAT wild. And, in other news, 'Charlie's Angels' is a movie.
However, the headliner of the weekend was Disney's launch of Disney+, which has undoubtedly changed the streaming landscape. Collin and Nick break down the initial buzz, and the questions they still have moving forward. All this and more on this week's episode of The MovieBabble Podcast!
Hosts: Collin Willis and Nick Kush
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
With October being a quiet month for horror, everyone turned to 'Doctor Sleep' to inject a little life into the genre, but with somewhat mixed reactions to the film and lackluster box office returns, the sequel to 'The Shining' simply won't serve that purpose.
And with Monday being Veteran's Day in the states, 'Midway' came away with the top spot. There's only one problem: It cost about $100 million to make. Oof.
In the end, the weekend was full of iffy films making iffy returns, so Collin and Brennan look forward to the rest of November. What will Disney+ bring to the table? Can 'Jojo Rabbit' break out? We tackle all this and more on this episode of The MovieBabble Podcast!
Hosts: Brennan Dubé and Collin Willis
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Friday Nov 08, 2019
'Joker' Spoiler Talk!
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Odds are that you've seen 'Joker' by now. The film is well on its way to crossing the $1 billion mark, making it the big winner of the fall movie season so far.
But how exactly did Brennan, Collin, and Nick feel about the film? We've hinted at it in previous episodes, but now it's time for our full-on spoiler discussion! What did we like? What did we hate? Find out on this episode of The MovieBabble Podcast!
Hosts: Brennan Dubé, Collin Willis, and Nick Kush
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Although there was some buzz leading up to the release of 'Terminator: Dark Fate', the sixth film in the franchise cratered, coming in below box office expectations against an absurdly high production budget. With so many failures in a row, the group questions whether or not the Terminator property is officially dead or not.
Elsewhere, we're debuting a new segment on the pod: monthly winners and losers! For the first weekend of each month, we'll take stock of the previous month and detail some films, studios, people, or anything else of note that we felt came away victorious... or just the opposite.
We discuss all this and more on this week's episode of The MovieBabble Podcast!
Hosts: Collin Willis, Brennan Dubé, and Nick Kush
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019
'Joker' continues to be a behemoth as it gets closer to $900 million while easily outpacing 'Deadpool' as the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time. But can it get to the $1 billion mark? We weigh the pros and cons for Todd Phillips' origin story.
But among the new releases of the week, Netflix's 'Dolemite Is My Name' is the clear winner as an opening salvo of sorts for the company's many Oscar campaigns. Eddie Murphy is back and caring in a movie again, and he might just ride that wave all the way into awards season.
Elsewhere, Brennan and Nick break down some of the latest indie releases, including the CRAZY story behind 'The Current War', a discussion of A24's 'The Lighthouse', 'Jojo Rabbit', and even Kanye's 'Jesus is King', because why not? Listen on this week's episode of The MovieBabble Podcast!
Hosts: Brennan Dubé and Nick Kush
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
The domestic box office receipts for 'Maleficent 2' prove that the age-old question of "did anyone ask for this movie?" is never a good sign leading up to a release as the latest Disney failed to meet expectations, although its overseas gross did help to soften the blow.
In other news, Sony released another sequel and Martin Scorsese took another jab at Marvel movies. Call it just another week for The MovieBabble Podcast to cover!
Hosts: Collin Willis and Brennan Dubé
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
'Joker' is quickly turning into a worldwide phenomenon as it crosses the $500 million mark worldwide, furthering entrenching the film as a talking point for the months to come. But what is its earning ceiling? We break down what the future may hold for the origin story -- which includes Nick going on a deep-dive into Chinese censorship boards.
In other news, 'The Addams Family' starts off its theatrical run with a solid gross, while 'Gemini Man' does the exact opposite (RIP Paramount). We discuss all this and much more (including 'El Camino'!) on this week's episode of The MovieBabble Podcast!
Hosts: Collin Willis and Nick Kush
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
A little indie film that literally no one has discussed in long, angry Twitter threads entitled 'Joker' earned the highest October opening weekend in history with its +$93.5 million haul, furthering entrenching the film as a BIG talking point...and a possible awards contender down the line. Brace yourself for the outrage!
Elsewhere, Martin Scorsese pissed off Marvel fans. All this and more in this week's episode of The MovieBabble Podcast!
Hosts: Collin Willis and Brennan Dubé
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
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Follow MovieBabble on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moviebabble/
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Movies That Made Us Love Movies!
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
All of our film journeys our different. We arrive at some films at different points in our lives, and sometimes not at all. But there's always a select group of films for each person that gets the wheels turning. This week on Babble With Brennan, the crew discuss some of the films that made them interested in the art form, including some films that are still among their favorites, and even some they don't like anymore. From the painfully obvious, cliched films that everyone loves to some smaller classics, Brennan, Collin, and Nick share a little about their journeys for your own entertainment!
Hosts: Brennan Dubé, Collin Willis, and Nick Kush
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
Like MovieBabble on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moviebabblereviews/
Follow MovieBabble on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moviebabble/
Follow MovieBabble on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MovieBabble_
For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive

Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
It's a late-September tradition that an average to an above-average animated movie opens in theaters, and that trend continued this week with 'Abominable', the latest effort from DreamWorks. However, 'Abominable' may have some tough sledding ahead with its lackluster box office take.
Elsewhere, 'Downton Abbey', 'Hustlers', and 'It Chapter Two' all excel, while 'Judy' seems primed for an Oscar run. Oh, and there's a tiny little movie called 'Joker' coming out next week, and it seems like everyone has an opinion on it. We discuss all this and more on this week's episode of The MovieBabble Podcast!
Hosts: Collin Willis and Nick Kush
Join the MovieBabble staff: https://moviebabblereviews.com/join-moviebabble/
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For more content, be sure to check out the MovieBabble website: https://moviebabblereviews.com/
*Music used in the episode is from 4bstr4ck3r via the Free Music Archive